The Integral Role of Site Surveys in Installation: A Detailed Guide

Published: 01/09/2023 | Author: Volt-Age

In the realm of infrastructure installation, there is no underestimating the significance of site surveys. They serve as a bridge between a conceptual idea and its tangible execution, ensuring that the end result is safe, efficient, and tailored to individual needs. Drawing from the context of electric vehicle (EV) charge point installations, this article underscores the importance of site surveys and the systematic steps involved in the process.

Understanding the Value of Site Surveys

Site surveys are pivotal in various phases, including meticulous planning, sound decision-making, and providing an accurate cost projection. An EV charge point installation, with its specific set of prerequisites and complexities, serves as a prime example of why these surveys are indispensable.

Step 1: Fuse Board / Consumer Unit Assessment
Your fuse board, often known as the consumer unit, is the centrepiece of the electrical system in your home. To discern its suitability and accessibility for a charge point, we urge you to upload videos or photos of it. Multiple images can provide a holistic view, aiding our technical team in their assessment.

Step 2: Determining the Charge Point Location
Your choice of location for the charge point can influence the complexity of the installation. Hence, a visual representation – either in the form of a photo or video – is invaluable. It allows us to evaluate the space, anticipate potential hurdles, and ensure that the installation complements your property’s aesthetics.

Step 3: Gauge the Distance
For the charge point to function optimally, the distance between it and the fuse board is a crucial metric. We recommend you trace the route the installation cable would follow to provide us with a precise measurement, guaranteeing an efficient and aesthetic setup.

Step 4: Inspection of the Main Fuse
The main fuse’s photograph serves two purposes: to determine the type and rating of the fuse and to ensure that your home’s supply can support an additional charge point without hitches. For added clarity, we also advise sharing the Mpan number found on the main fuse, or from your energy bill.

Step 5: Acquiring Additional Details & Introducing Monta Software
Beyond the aforementioned technical details, we invite clients to share any supplemental information, preferences, or concerns. Whether it’s a specific charge point model you’ve set your sights on, or eligibility for grants like OZEV, every detail enriches our understanding and refines our approach.

Moreover, we at Volt-Age are elated to introduce our collaboration with Monta software. This all-encompassing software solution for charge point management boasts an array of features such as:

  • Fee Management: Transparent transactions, with clear fee structures and automatic monthly fund processing.
  • Scheduling: Reserving charge points during peak hours becomes effortless.
  • Flexible Pricing: Tailor pricing structures based on user groups or charge point usage.
  • Hardware Checks: Ensure consistent charger performance with Monta’s self-correcting algorithms.
  • End-to-End Payment: Streamlined and direct payments, reducing administrative load.
  • Smart Queue: Maximise charge point utilisation with smart reservations and in-app driver communications.
  • Ease of Administration: Simplified fund collections and transaction data retrieval.
  • Managing Multiple Sites: Oversee charge points across various locations with centralised control.

With the Monta software enhancing the process, and the site survey ensuring meticulous planning, prospective clients can anticipate an unrivalled installation experience.


The fusion of comprehensive site surveys and Monta software equips Volt-Age to provide an unparalleled EV charge point installation experience. The value of these tools transcends their functional utility – together, they are emblematic of our commitment to delivering bespoke solutions that stand the test of time.


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